1 min read

Recognizing the Project Management Wins of Failure

Recognizing the Project Management Wins of Failure

We’ve all heard stories of famous failures – in sports, in music, in medicine, in invention…  our entertainment is replete with fictional versions of the same.  What is it that fascinates us about failure?  And how can we use failure as a springboard for success?

Most of us also remember first-hand experiences with failures of our own that shaped our lives.

Here are a few of the gifts that failure offers.

Failure Clarifies and Refines Motivation and Goals

Sometimes failure is an invitation to delve more deeply into a personal and profound understanding of the ancient Greek aphorism, “know thyself”.  Whether the failure is with the optimal recipe for your favorite desert, the design of an alternative energy mode of transportation, or an aspect of your interpersonal relationships, failure helps us to become clear on the fine details and essential elements of what you really want.

Failure Inspires and Fuels Determination and Stamina

There is nothing quite like falling on your face, literally or metaphorically, to connect with your grit!  Failure, especially public failure, is a situation most people typically find intensely uncomfortable.  These unpleasant feelings provoke an equally or more intense resolve to overcome the obstacles just encountered – along with any other potential roadblocks that may arise.  In this way, failure drives the perseverance required to get the job done.

Failure Builds and Fortifies Courage and Action


While anticipation of failure may lead to dithering indecision, actual failure, ironically, often leads to focused achievement in the face of fear.  The experience of failure alters your outlook on conceived outcomes.  If “the worst” has already happened, then you are more willing to risk ABC (Audacious-Bold-Courageous) measures towards the potential of living your goal.

So, now that you recognize the wins of failure, fail fast and fail often!!!

This piece was written by Sylvie Fortier, one of the Project Managers at Innovative-e. Sylvie Fortier is an experienced leader of culturally and geographically diverse technical and non-technical teams.  She has contributed to fledgling start-ups, Fortune 500 companies, and organizations in-between, supporting functions from strategy development to full product lifecycle management.  Whatever the role, Sylvie is passionate about cultivating creativity, innovation, and the pursuit of continuous improvement – for individuals, their teams, and society at large.  She is particularly fond of Thai food and delights in photography, travel, and SCUBA diving as well as everyday adventures with her teenage twins.

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