Clint Pittman

6 min read

The Peaks and Valleys of Project and Work Management Modernization

In my twenty-five-plus years of Project and Portfolio Management, Work Management, and technology delivery it seems the only constant has been change. There is always a new technology, spin on a methodology, market disruption, threat, or opportunity...

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Modern Technology in Project Management

3 min read

The Journey of Modern Technology in Project Management

Imagine if you will, a company that accepts ideas from numerous sources, employees, customers, executives, experts in strategy and the market, and...

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4 min read

The Human Value of AI in Project and Portfolio Management

Over my 25-year career in Project and Portfolio Management, Software Development, and consulting, I have had the opportunity to see many...

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The Power of The Servant PM

4 min read

Methodology Problem? Power of Servant Leadership in Project Management

It’s probably the holiday season that has me thinking of service to others in our work and other areas of life. It seems particularly around this...

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Business woman on a wall

3 min read

What’s In It For THEM? Portfolio Management Systems Value Beyond the PMO

What's in it for them? When evaluating an opportunity, purchase, or even a new idea, most of us primarily judge it based on our motivations, our...

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Agile vs Waterfall Management

3 min read

Waterfall vs Agile Delivery: Which is Best?

"Use the right tool for the job son." This is my first article and when picking a topic, I wanted something thought-provoking, even controversial. I...

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