Innovative-E Project and Portfolio Management Articles

Advice, tips, and news for those seeking project and portfolio management modernization.

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Modern Technology in Project Management

3 min read

The Journey of Modern Technology in Project Management

Imagine if you will, a company that accepts ideas from numerous sources, employees, customers, executives, experts in strategy and the market, and...

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Microsoft Planner App Work and Task Management

5 min read

Microsoft Planner App: Work and Task Management Insights

Chances are you already use Planner -after all it is the most utilized app in M365! You might have heard about Microsoft’s rollout of the new...

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Smaller to larger building blocks

2 min read

Start Your AI Generator Journey Towards Strategic Capabilities

One of the things that we’re talking to people about is getting the best advantage out of using AI for project and work management. We see many of...

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4 min read

The Human Value of AI in Project and Portfolio Management

Over my 25-year career in Project and Portfolio Management, Software Development, and consulting, I have had the opportunity to see many...

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Sentiment Analysis Feature

4 min read

Teams4PM Sentiment Analysis: How AI Improves Your Work Life

Will AI improve the way you work? If you’ve been on the internet at all in the last several months, you’ve heard more and more about AI and how it’s...

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